Jipaban is here to help with our Christmas gift-hunting!
That’s right, Nuffnang & Jipaban is having a contest where we could just get the perfect gift AND score ourselves some cash at the same time!
"Tell us who you’d like to get a gift for, which item in any one of the Jipaban shops you’d like to get him/her, and why. The price of the item must not exceed RM 100"

wah,kreatif mama zharfan..photoshop ke ni?terror juga mama zharfan berphotoshop....saya masih tak pandai,edit2 gambar masih pakai photoscape..hik3...
apapun,good luck juga..ada chance menangni....keep up ur creative juice....
agreed! aten pun edit pic true photoscape jek.. photoshop tak reti sgt nk guna.. anyway gdluck MZ.. very creative as usual~
wah!!sis dah join!ifa lum lg..haha..adoi la..dasat owh sis nye n3 nie..gewd luck sis!
sye xkreatif...
best nye akak edit gamba :D
semoga berjaya mendapatkan sandal yg chomel itu...!!!
Good luck ya MZ... :-)
wah cayalah kalo entry dari suzie mesti meletop punyer ni, cayok2 k
mmg xmampu lawan kekreatifan MZ heheh
good luck dear
gud luck dear
wahhh.. gigih ni...
kena gigih mcm MZ jugak lah...
hrp2 tidur mlm ni dapat ilham.. ;)
kalau MZ tak menang ni memang nak kena komplen.. Very creative! Hope u win
Congratz Mama Zharfan..tempat kedua...woww....Hik3...lepas ni kena ajar saya berphotoshop ni...
hey..congrax on ur winning.. wishing u merry xmas and happy new year.. ! im not santa :P
taniah sis!!
tahniah kak dapat 2nd prize.hepi new year to you n family :)
hi..congratz..ur post is so creative! :D merry Xmas!
you're deserve it...mmg best...
COngratz...merry x'mas~!!!
kreatif la mama zharfan....tahniah dapat no 2....
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