Wednesday 5 May 2010

Can't imagine my life without my frens around...

Truthfully, I don't have many close friends...I may have a number of friends, which range from colleagues at work, ex-coursemates , ex-office mates (UOB), ex school mate (MMP), comper friends (, and new blogger friends (and the number keeps growing)....

but I'm forever thankful to know that I have few close friends who are very2 dear to my heart, very sincere in friendship, very helpful, very reliable, very caring, and the best part, same status (we're all wifey and moms) sharing the same passion and common interests!!

and indeed I believe that this is one of the factors that glued us together...satu kepala kan...bila dpt ajer good news (menang contest, or latest contest to join, or parenting/baby events), masing2 bz2 calling2, sms-ing, emailing...sharing and updating each other...

Well...If i were to live this life alone...without all my frens, can't even imagine how horrible, how odd, and how lonely its gonna be...

To all my great, gorgeous, dear, close frens <<--u know who u are...
and to all my blogger frens...
-->u are all one of the best things, best parts and greatest blessings in my life!!

spevial note : 

Thanks Ezz for ur help...again me indebted to u..

and to Ayu, selamat menimang cahaya mata yg ke 5 soon...bestnya ada ramai kids...i memang tak terdaya nak celen u bab ni ayu ;) thanks for the special entry for me too...ala segan i u citer psl my lil gift tu...;)

and to JOE, blogger paling famous seantero sheffiield/UK/MSIA..tqvm sbb siap mention blog i dlm post u...appreciate it soo much!!!

1 comment:

Ezna Khalili said...

i baru baca N3 suzz.....thanks for being my friend yer...:-) My close friend :-) I sangat terharu baca N3 ni....


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